Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dear Savannah . . .

"Last week I was introduced to this wonderful thing called “catnip”.  My humans sprinkle it in a box for me to roll in, but my favorite is when they stuff some in a sock!  I’ll grab the sock, rabbit punch it with my back feet and rub my face all over it.  I’m a drooling mess by the time I’m done.  Once, I even ate some!  Please tell me, am I a druggie destined for Catnips Anonymous (CA)?" 

Feelin’ Good

Dear Feelin’ Good,

"Admittedly, I partake in a little catnip on occasion; however, it tends to make me act silly—not a good look for a matriarch—so I try to restrict myself.  But enjoy all you want.  Catnip is harmless and non-addictive—there are no CA meetings in your future.

There’s actually a chemical compound in catnip called nepetalactone.  It has a special affect on cats—even the big cats.  Interestingly, a reaction (or no reaction) to catnip is inherited.  Some cats can take it or leave it.  That would not be the case for Neko one of our cougar rescues.  If catnip were addictive, Neko would be the founding cougar of Catnips Anonymous.  He puts on quite a show!

By the way, was your photo taken before or after a catnip episode?  Regardless, your look is comically endearing."


“One small cat changes coming home to an empty house to coming home."- Pam Brown